Author: Janusz Lemañski
Title: Bread of mourning (Os 9,4) – a mourning practice or a sign of its ending?
Full text: 01_lemanski_janusz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-01
Number of pages: 11-31
Author: Zoltán József Bara
Title: Ideas of ecclesiology in the thought of Dumitru Stăniloae
Full text: 02_bara_zoltan_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-02
Number of pages: 35-56
Author: Jan Perszon
Title: Christ is the foundation of humanity. John Paul II’s vision of culture in the context of the crisis of man and society
Full text: 03_perszon_jan_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-03
Number of pages: 57-75
Author: Adam Rybicki
Title: Selected aspects of Christian prayer in the works of Matta el-Maskine (1919–2006)
Full text: 04_rybicki_adam_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-04
Number of pages: 77-92
Author: Tomasz Perz
Title: The Aesthetics of the Animal World according to Jerzy Chmurzyñski
Full text: 05_perz_tomasz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-05
Number of pages: 95-110
Author: Adam Bielinowicz
Title: Problems of upbringing for peace in curricular assumptions and in selected Polish religious education textbooks
Full text: 06_bielinowicz_adam_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-06
Number of pages: 113-130
Author: Pawe³ M±kosa, Helena S³otwiñska, Janusz Mariañski, Marta Buk-Cegie³ka, Rados³aw Rybarski
Title: Ethics and/or Religion at School. Correlation or Competition? Analysis of Students’ Opinions
Full text: 07_makosa_pawel_slotwinska_helena_inni_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-07
Number of pages: 131-148
Author: Jacek Zjawin
Title: School for Catechists of the Archdiocese of Poznan (Poznañ) as a place of catechumenate and adult mystagogy
Full text: 08_zjawin_jacek_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-08
Number of pages: 149-160
Author: Viktoria Bilyk
Title: From the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to the Russian Empire: Greek-Uniates of Ukrainian Podolia (end of the 18th century – 30s of the 19th century)
Full text: 09_bilyk_viktoria_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-09
Number of pages: 163-175
Author: Adam Romejko
Title: The Irish national question in the musical works of the band The Dubliners
Full text: 10_romejko_adam_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-10
Number of pages: 177-192
Author: Dariusz ¦mierzchalski-Wachocz
Title: The clergy of the Gorzow (Gorzów) Church repressed under the penal-administrative procedure. A historical analysis on the example of the Statement of Office “C” of the Ministry of the Interior from the years 1945–1963. Outline of the issues
Full text: 11_smierzchalski-wachocz_dariusz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-11
Number of pages: 193-224
Author: Grzegorz Wejman
Title: Bull of Pius VII De salute animarum and the reborn Catholic Church in West Pomerania and the Lubusz Land between 1821 and 1945
Full text: 12_wejman_grzegorz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-12
Number of pages: 225-250
Author: Kazimierz Dullak, £ukasz Pniewski
Title: The institution of marital separation under canon law and Polish civil law
Full text: 13_dullak_kazimierz_pniewski_lukasz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-13
Number of pages: 253-276
Author: Monika Gwó¼d¼
Title: The relevance of the ICD-11 version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems in the context of canonical marital processes
Full text: 14_gwozdz_monika_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-14
Number of pages: 277-291
Author: Dariusz Mazurkiewicz
Title: Analysis of the amended apostolic letter of Pope Francis Vos estis lux mundi
Full text: 15_mazurkiewicz_dariusz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-15
Number of pages: 293-310
Author: Janusz Bujak
Title: Carlo Fantappiè, Metamorfosi della sinodalità. Dal Vaticano II a papa Francesco, Marcianum Press, Venezia 2023, ss. 117
Full text: 16_bujak_janusz_eng.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-16
Number of pages: 313-317
Author: Aneta Krupka
Title: Report on the nationwide conference Catechumenate and Mystagogy for Today, Faculty of Theology, University of Szczecin, November 17, 2023
Full text: 17_krupka_aneta.pdf
DOI: 10.18276/skk.2024.31-17
Number of pages: 319-323