Author: Piotr Goniszewski
Title: Jesus, Beelzebub and irresponsible words. Exegesis of Mt 12,22-37
Number of pages: 11-27
Author: Janusz Lemañski
Title: God’s messenger and celestial beings in the Book of Genesis
Number of pages: 29-52
Author: Rados³aw Mazur
Title: The evolution in the Bible understanding in theology and the Church religious education until Vatican Council II
Number of pages: 53-63
Author: Marek Parchem
Title: The teaching about heavenly beings in the Book of Daniel. The continuation of the previous biblical traditions and the new contribution to the angelology of the Old Testament
Number of pages: 65-86
Author: Luca Pedroli
Title: “The Letters to the seven Churches” (Apc 1:9-3:22): the plot of an engagement underway
Number of pages: 87-101
Author: Janusz Bujak
Title: The topicality of the message of Fatima in the light of the postulate of the New Evangelization
Number of pages: 105-121
Author: Teresa Klein
Title: Merciful and righteous God in the teaching of John Paul II
Number of pages: 123-134
Author: Boles³aw Leszczyñski
Title: Significance and symbolism of fasting
Number of pages: 135-145
Author: Andrzej Proniewski
Title: Hermeneutics of sensus fidei according to Joseph Ratzinger
Number of pages: 147-155
Author: Edward Sienkiewicz
Title: Community forming character of Jewish Passover
Number of pages: 157-174
Author: Henryk Szmulewicz
Title: The ecumenical dialogue in ministry of evangelization
Number of pages: 175-192
Author: Andrzej Wachowicz
Title: Mary Immaculate as the model for the contemporary married people?
Number of pages: 193-202
Author: Krzysztof Wojtkiewicz
Title: Reception problem of the Third Secret of Fatima after its announcement
Number of pages: 203-212
Author: Ewelina Adamczyk
Title: Negative and positive aspects in the novel cycle “Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling
Number of pages: 215-229
Author: S³awomir Bukalski
Title: Getting to know each other by an engaged couple in the light of FOCC US strategy. The pastoral applicability
Number of pages: 231-240
Author: Kazimierz Dullak
Title: Table or tables of God’s divine word?
Number of pages: 241-253
Author: Sebastian Kowal
Title: The contemporary challenges in the fight against evil spirit
Number of pages: 255-264
Author: Wojciech Parfianowicz
Title: Internet communication as a chance for the efficient functioning of the Catholic Church in the market of media on the example of Diocese of Koszalin-Kolobrzeg. Website Communication Model: a tool for qualitative analysis of websites
Number of pages: 265-280
Author: Janusz Szulist
Title: The sources of solidarity on the basis of pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Peace 2014
Number of pages: 283-296
Author: £ukasz Bilski
Title: The organist’s formation in the diocese of koszalin-kolobrzeg
Number of pages: 299-315
Author: Adam Komisarczyk
Title: The history of the hospital of St. Charles Borromeo
Number of pages: 317-326
Author: Zbigniew Werra
Title: Ethical and moral factors influencing the shaping of the attitudes of the wartime civil society of the soldiers of the 2nd Polish Corps in the Italian campaign 1944-1945
Number of pages: 327-341
Author: Janusz Bujak
Title: Studies Council. The History and Teaching of Vaticanum II, editor Micha³ Bia³kowski, Toruñ 2013, pp. 591
Number of pages: 345-347
Author: Edward Sienkiewicz
Title: „On the Way to Holiness” Henryk Mochol, The Role of the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the Way to Holiness in the Teaching of Bishop Piotr Go³êbiowski, Radom 2013, pp. 450
Number of pages: 348-350
Author: Tomasz Tomaszewski
Title: The report of the popular science session: The angels and the demons
Number of pages: 351-353